Your app —
built by

Experienced developers ready to bring your ideas to life.

Let's get to work
Community Boss
2nd Chair

Software & Devops

Our bread and butter; as a team we have almost 40 years experience building software of all sorts: front-end, back-end, you name it. If you can dream it up, we can help you build it, deploy it, and scale it to tens of thousands of happy users.

  • Web sites & apps
  • iOS & Android
  • HIPAA-compliant solutions
  • Infrastructure management
  • Continuous integration
  • Third-Party Integrations

Design & Discovery

Every project starts with a robust process of design and discovery to ensure not only that we know your requirements backwards and forwards, but also to ensure you know exactly what we're going to build.

  • Requirements analysis
  • Project design
  • UI & UX Solutions

Our favorite tools

Our motto is "when in doubt, get a taco." Our second motto, though, is "be easy to hire and easy to fire." We're comfortable working in most tech stacks, but there are a few that we tend to favor. These represent widely used industry standards, so when it's time for us to part ways you won't have any trouble finding devs to take over.

  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • JVM & Spring Framework
  • Amazon Web Services
  • PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MySQL

How we work

At Apsis, we work within a framework we call "almost agile" — a setup that helps us remain responsive to your particular project's needs. For any project, no matter how small you can expect to work with a single point of contact who will manage at least one other dev to provide a flexible team capable of tackling your requirements.

  • Team augmentation
  • Embedded engineers
  • Standalone projects
  • Small teams

We believe that arriving at the right solution is an iterative process, built with hard work, strong communication, and a dedication to craft. At Apsis, our team of experienced engineers works provide software that will work today without sacrificing tomorrow.

Born and raised in the Pacific North West, we have worked with everyone from startups to enterprise, and we’re looking forward to discovering what we can do working with you.

Drop us a line